The original registration process only allowed users to use their ID number to sign up. Besides, they had to provide their email addresses, too. It had discouraged a lot of people from becoming a member. Hence, the Tasker team decided to redesign the signup process and make the users more willing to register Tasker.
Provide users with two simple ways to sign up for Tasker (register by a phone number or log in with a Facebook/Google account) and allow the users to integrate their original account with Facebook/Google account so that they can log in faster.
Then, I designed a user flow and wireframe to discuss with stakeholders and developers:
First, enter a phone number, and then key in the verification code sent by SMS. Second, set up a password and finish the registration. Although there is the third step, users can skip it if they do not want to answer the questions.
When signing up with a Facebook account, users can connect with their original account by entering their ID number/phone number and password.